Women’s economic empowerment has further implications for social issues such as child health, education, poverty, and the amelioration of gender-based violence. Social resilience is enhanced through women’s economic empowerment, as is the ability of economies to recover from natural and man-made disasters. Advancing women’s economic empowerment is a key lever to achieving gender equality. This economic empowerment requires an integrated approach that touches on every sector and system in society, from households to workplaces to board rooms to government offices. One area that has only recently been in the spotlight is public government procurement-the systems and processes governments use to purchase goods, services and works.
Our Gender-responsive procurement work involves efforts to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment through procurement processes. We provide guidance to businesses on how to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace, marketplace, and community. We engage with gender-responsive suppliers, women-owned businesses, and women entrepreneurs. We work to integrate gender equality principles in workplace policies and practices, aiming for gender balance in employment and leadership, closing the gender pay gap, and ensuring comprehensive compliance with international labour standards. We economically empower women and create decent jobs, ensuring gender equality and better outcomes for women across the labour market and business environment.